Friday, May 29, 2020

An online e-learning portal which contains all the available resources at one place for Tamil medium students in Sri Lanka

For the past 2 months, COVID 19 has brought drastic changes in the whole world. In Sri Lanka, the government has imposed back to back curfews to reduce the gatherings of people. Therefore, most of the people started to work from home. In the student...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

In search of Heritage

The historical features that belong to the culture of popular society, such as traditions, languages or buildings or documents/ knowledge resources, that were created in the past and still have the historical importance are known as Heritage.Heritage...

Monday, September 23, 2019

Journey of past 2 years from Uki coding school to Noolaham Foundation

Two years before 2017, I finished my Advanced Level examination and waited for my results to find a university and a course to follow for the next 4 years to get my bachelors degree. If I couldn't get any university for my result I was in the mindset...

Friday, August 30, 2019

Digitizing and Preserving the Sri Lankan Tamil cultural heritage digitally - Noolaham Foundation

In the past, various unexpected occurrences caused the culture and heritage of a community to be vanished. It can be natural disaster, war or unrest. Similarly in 1981, the Sri Lankan Tamil speaking community experienced the tragedy of loosing 97,000...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The cricketer who scored 35 runs in one over...

Have you ever heard of a cricketer player who scored 36 runs in one over? Yes, the world famous West Indies cricket player Gary Sobers established this record in 1968. Indeed,it was a distinguished title . He was the first cricket player who won this world record. Before this fifty seven years ago...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Our Women in Society

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" is an old saying. This is very true. But do we give the same regards and respect that we give to our mothers and sisters to all women? Most women in our society in the middle and working classes suffer from many indignities, very damaging to their...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Influence of the Cinema and the Television

"Where thousands of words fail to teach a child, a picture succeeds admirably" is a great educational truth. All irrespective of age, like to see and enjoy a beautifully printed or painted picture. In the same way the cinema, and T.V have influenced people in many ways. They are a form amusement....

The Harvesting Scene

When it is time for harvest or the gathering in of crops, all farmers become busy, The entire house-hold , wife and children , and even neighbors and friends join the farmer in his field with sickles in hand cutting the grain. Harvesting time is a season of joy. It is,in fact, the harvest of the...

A film I like best

I'm not, like many, a regular film-goer. I go to see one if and when a good film is shown in our town. By a good film,I mean one that is really educative rewarding. Hence, the number of films that I have seen could be counted on one's fingers. One such film I saw recently was the one on "The Life...

The Joys of School Days

The joys of school days, when I look back, are marvelous. Those were, perhaps , the best day of our youth. Out of ten students would admit that their school days were most thrilling, adventurous and care-free.One begins to enjoy life in a school after a year or two. The first year in one's school...

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wilfred Owen - An Antiwar Poet

Wilfred Owen became popular as a poet because of his poetic creation 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'. He, in this poem , vehemently criticizes the war taking it as a 'leading way' for the youth to grave. It is quite ironical and really a blunder of his fate that he too was killed in action in the battle...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

W.H.Auden - A Small description

Wystan Hugh Auden was an Angelo-American poet, playwright and literary critic. He was a socialist or a hard communist who showed some cool ironic wit in his poetry. However , deeply religious and psychological. Many critics consider Auden as a master of verse. His intellectual vigor and social conscience...

W.B.Yeats - A small description

William Butler Yeasts was a poet and a dramatist. He was born in Dublin 1865, the son of a noted Irish painter. In 1887, they migrated to London. He wrote lurical,symbolic poems on Irish themes, for example, "The Wanderings of Oisns" and "Lake Isle Innisfree" He believed in characteristics of ancient...

A small description about the Poet James Reeves and his poem "The Sea"

The real name of James Reeves was John Morris. He was a British writer well known for his poetry and contribution to children's literature and the literature of collected traditional songs. He was born in 1909 in Middlesex and educated at Stowe and Jesus College , Cambridge. He started his career...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Story - It's better to be Unlucky

Sam, an employed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life. The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state lottery game. To win, a contestant must first...

Monday, July 22, 2013


Physical exercise is necessary for health. Physical exercise means exercise of the body. Some get all they need in their daily work. Ploughmen,coolies and blacksmiths work hard with their muscles all day. But clerks, teachers and students do not. They sit all day working their heads. They must get...

Pisa Lean

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy is perhaps the most famous bell tower in the world. Work started on it in 1173 and it was not completed still 1372. After the first three storeys were finished the ground below it began to sink. That caused the tower to lean. Every year it leaned a little more....

Value of Trees

Trees are very useful to man. They support the life of living beings. The green leaves of trees absorbs carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Thus trees replace oxygen which is constantly used up and changed into carbon dioxide in breathing and burning. Trees retain carbon and release oxygen for the...

Friday, July 12, 2013


The Parthenon in Athens, Greece was built over 2,400 years ago. The Greeks built this temple to honor the goddess Athena. They believed that she protected the city from harm. The ruins if the Parthenon with its great marble pillars still look out over Greece's capital city. Ancient Greece was made...

Nano Technology

Nano Technology deals with materials and machines in day to day life. This is measured in nano meters, Nano Technology. One of the latest technologies is also Nano Technology. Nano Technology is the very small scale Technology, that deals with materials and processes on a scale best measured in Nano...